Recently the young and fairly new pastor was teaching a series on Biblical principles for sex.
Once a week Martha came in to help prepare for the Sunday services. She would often stuff the bulletins with weekly announcements. A few weeks ago, as she was stuffing, she told another volunteer that she was old, widowed, and that her sexual days were behind her. Therefore, she said, she didn't feel the need to attend any of the services during the "Biblical Sex" series.
A couple of days later Martha was called into the office by the pastor. She was called on the carpet for "gossiping" and was told she was no longer welcome at the church.
Martha wasn't gossiping - she was merely stating her opinion in a (supposedly) safe place and to a friend. The "friend", by the way, is a tattle-tail gossip. What was her purpose in going to the pastor with the contents of a private conversation? As I understand it, that woman is still a welcomed parishioner.
Okay Pastor, get off your pew of self-love and wild insecurity. Not everyone is going to think every word that comes from your mouth is a gold nugget. Get over yourself!
Get off the pew!