Our 6 ½ year-old niece was prompted by her mom to say her prayers as she was being tucked into bed for the night.
“Dear God, thank you for this wonderful day...well not really. I accept your apology for making me stub my toe...”
Out of the mouths of babes. Don’t you just love the authentic honesty of a child?
As a Christ follower I believe that God is sovereign and that nothing comes as a surprise to God. He allows bad things to happen to good people for a myriad of reasons—so we will rely on him, so we’ll be a source of encouragement and comfort to others in the same situation, or to humble us or break us of our stubborn pride.
As a human I’ll admit—I sometimes feel that surely God made a mistake. He didn’t really intend for me to go through another difficult trial, or for that person to say that ugly thing to me. And, there’s no way God really expects me to be in that Bible study with that person, or those people!
And, about that toe I stubbed last week! Come on, God…what were You thinking?
I want to trust God, really I do. I want to be like James and consider it put joy whenever I face trials (James 1:2). I strive to trust that all things will work together for good because I love Him and I’ve been called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).
But sometimes…sometimes I wish God would say, “Well, it looks like I made a mistake. I meant for your neighbor’s house to flood and for his kid to rebel. My bad.” Sometimes I feel weak and overwhelmed.
But then I step back and try to look at the big picture. I know God loves me and I know He has a purpose for my life.
God loves ME and has a purpose for MY life.
I’ve tried to light a fire under my readers and get you to get off the pew. Of course, if you never get off the pew, you’ll probably never stub your toe on the stumbling blocks and detours that satan puts in your path. I get that. That’s why God invented BAND AIDS™
Now, wrap your toe, accept God’s apology…uh, I mean…trust Him, and get off the pew.
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