The other day we were out having dinner. We were sharing lovely conversation, a basket of fries, and a great view. I ordered the Mahi Mahi sandwich and it was amazing.
I noticed a family sitting a few tables ahead of me. If I were to guess, I would say it was Mom, Dad, four adult (or nearly adult) children, and the oldest daughter’s boyfriend. They seemed to be enjoying the food and the view as much as we were.
About midway through our meal I suddenly realized someone was standing next to me on my left. “Excuse me”, the sweet voice was gentle and quiet. “Yes?” I looked up and realized it was the oldest daughter from the family table across the room.
“You have such a joy about you”, she said. Her smile was genuine and kind. “I don’t know about you”, she continued, “but I’m a Christian.”“I’m a Christian too.” I hope I didn’t sound defensive.
“Oh. Well, that’s wonderful. And isn’t it great that it shows in your countenance.”
We exchanged a few more pleasantries—“where are you from?’, "I've been there", etc…and she went back to her family.
I almost wish I hadn’t said I was a Christian. I wonder where the conversation would have gone from there.
I wished I’d said something like, “Oh, well my joy doesn’t come from God. No, it probably comes from my daily worship of and conversation with pachyderms.”
“Uh, oh. I mean…well…enjoy your meal.”
You have to admire the young girl’s chutzpa. She clearly felt that the Lord wanted her to speak to me. I actually took it as encouragement. I was having a good time, but there were some things hanging over my head and those troubles were causing me some worry. It’s nice to know that she saw joy overriding any angst I might have been feeling in the pit of my stomach.
I shared this story with a friend of mine and she said she wishes she had the courage to walk up to people and tell them they illuminate God’s radiant joy. My friend said she used to be afraid the receiver of her blessing might not think God had anything to do with it and she’d be embarrassed. Then, my friend says, God gave her an answer for those people, “Well, God is pursuing you because He’s all over you.”
Hmmmm…. I wonder how that would be received. I honestly don’t know. As a believer, I can’t readily put myself in an unbeliever’s hypothetical shoes. But, it sounds good.
What about you? Have you made a “cold” evangelical call to a stranger sitting at a table or barstool across the restaurant from you? Would you do it? What if you felt the overwhelming God-tug on the sleeve and you knew you needed to say something?
Well, God just might call you to get off the pew…uh…I mean, out of the booth, and go talk to the little old lady, or handholding couple across the aisle next time you’re at McDonald’s. What will you say?
As weird & uncomfortable as it is at times, I've done it before. I've gone up to complete strangers and told them about God, or things I've felt God has spoken to me about them. Somtimes I was right, sometimes wrong. But I've always felt like it was something God wanted me to do for whatever reason. It's been a long time since I've done it though.